C.A.R.E.S. Crews Collect Canned Food and Coats

C.A.R.E.S. Crews Collect Canned Food and Coats
All-School Event Community Service

More than 1,000 pounds of food and 100 coats donated to local organizations

Throughout the month of November, Westchester Country Day School students collected canned food items and coats to help local organizations support those in need during the upcoming winter months.

In total, the school donated 1,236 canned food items weighing 1,322 pounds to Camp Out for Hunger. The food donation helped Camp Out for Hunger break its goal of collecting more than 10,000 pounds for Hand to Hand Food Pantry in High Point. The school also collected 172 coats, which will be distributed through Hope Chapel in Greensboro.

Typically, WCDS students gather in the school’s gymnasium for a Thanksgiving school-wide service project and assembly, but this year’s event continued virtually. Students from all grades Pre-K through 12th participated from their classrooms in a schoolwide Zoom video conference on Nov. 20 to count and weigh the donated items.

David Smith, organizer of Camp Out for Hunger at Deep River Friends Meeting, joined the Zoom meeting to talk about hunger in the High Point community. Students also made thank you cards for first responders.

Westchester involves all students in community service through its C.A.R.E.S. Crews program. Older and younger students work together multiple times each year to show compassion, awareness, responsibility, empathy and service to others. These activities are slightly different this year yet still continuing with health protocols in place as WCDS students attend school during the coronavirus pandemic.


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