Learning Resource Program

Westchester Country Day School's Learning Resource Program equips students with learning differences with the skills they need to succeed in the classroom.

Several programs are available for students who need extra support in developing reading skills, who have a documented learning difference such as dyslexia, who have a psychoeducational evaluation that includes accommodations, or who would benefit from coaching on executive function skills.

The school's Wellness Team assesses student needs to find the program that suits their learning needs. Prospective parents can contact the Admissions Office for fees and more specific information.

Program Offerings

Academic support specialists coordinate plans for accommodations, serve as liaisons for standardized testing accommodations and support families in seeking individual testing for students of all grade levels. These services are performed at no charge.

Academic Support

Students in grades PK-5 can meet individually or in small groups with an academic support specialist who works closely with classroom teachers to reinforce concepts to achieve grade-level expectations within the WCDS curriculum. By utilizing a wide variety of materials and assessments, students are assisted in learning and retaining important concepts designed to maximize their strengths while supporting areas of need. Students are referred for academic support by teachers, parents, and/or identified through the admissions process. Beginning in third grade, psychoeducational evaluations are expected for participation in this program to identify learning needs and goals. Additional fees apply and pricing depends on the type of instruction needed.

Wilson Reading Program

The Early Reading Intervention program utilizes the Wilson Fundations® part of the Wilson Reading System to provide individualized or small-group instruction for Lower School students. This program is preventative to reduce the number of children who become at-risk by giving a solid phonics foundation. It is also used as an intervention to help struggling beginning readers before they fall behind. The Wilson Reading System can also be used for older students who are decoding and encoding below grade level. Diagnostic assessments (WIST, Woodcock-Johnson IV, RAN, TORC) are used to guide specific instruction. There may be additional fees depending on the type of instruction needed.

Wilson Reading Program Information

Academic Coaching

The Academic Coaching Program is designed to meet the support needs of Middle and Upper School students with a psychoeducational evaluation documenting learning challenges that require study and organizational skills. It can also provide short-term tutorials to reinforce concepts presented in the classroom. The academic coach serves as an advocate and lends help with executive function skills, including studying, reviewing, note-taking, test preparation, and other academic needs. Psychoeducational evaluations are required to participate in this program. Middle School students meet in a group with their academic coach four times a week in lieu of a world language class. Upper School students meet individually or in a small-group setting with their academic coach during the study hall class period. Additional fees apply.

Individual Tutoring

Students in grades 1-12 may work individually with a student mentor or a faculty tutor to learn and retain important concepts. For older students, tutoring focuses on a particular subject's content. There may be additional fees depending on the type of service.

Staff Contacts