What We’ve Learned in 100 Days of School

What We’ve Learned in 100 Days of School
Lower School Academics

100th Day ShirtsThe kindergarten year is filled with so many wonderful discoveries.

The amount of learning and growth that takes place is amazing, and we have the great pleasure of watching our students blossom into kind friends, creative thinkers, and budding readers and writers throughout the year.

Our pre-K and kindergarten classes celebrated the 100th day of school on Wednesday, February 16. This is a fun way for us to practice counting to 100 together. It is also a time to practice our newly developing presentation skills as our students share their posters of 100 items they have collected. They did a wonderful job showing off their creations and explaining how they grouped their items while counting.

But most importantly, it is a great opportunity for us to reflect with our students on how much they have learned. This week, we asked them, “What is the most important thing you have learned in the first 100 days of kindergarten?”

Here is what they shared:

Groundhogs see their shadows. – Lily Kate

You have to stay in the lines when you color. – Winter

You have to count to learn what something equals. – Lillian B.

Being nice to your friends is important. – Ren

I learned how to read by sounding it out. – Braydon

I learned to share so you can make new friends. – Ava

100th Day in Mrs. Mercadante's Homeroom

You can make friends by being nice and playing with people outside at recess. – Brylee

I learned how to be a good friend by being nice and sharing. – David M.

I learned how to tell time. – Alice

Listening is important so you can know what you have to do. – Ben

I learned what the seasons are called. – Grayson

I learned to play soccer. – Andres

To be nice – Holder

Flamingos have really good balance! – Sia

100th Day in Mrs. Horney's Homeroom

To be kind – David P.

To show compassion – Skylar

Be nice to all of your friends. – Anna

To read books – Vivian

Always do my best coloring. – Riley

I learned to run fast in P.E.! – Whatley

100th Day Poster by Whatley

Being kind to others – Graham

Sharing peace and learning to read – Charlotte

I love outer space! – Arthur 

Treat friends with kindness. – Jordan

To share with friends – Lillian N.

I can count to 100! – Luke

100th Day Projects

With less than 70 days remaining in the school year, we cannot wait to see what they learn next!

Sue HorneyEmily MercadanteSue Horney and Emily Mercadante
Kindergarten Faculty

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