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Friends of the Fine Arts

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Friends of the Fine Arts (FoFA) is a parent, faculty, staff, and community-based volunteer organization that seeks to nurture all forms of artistic expression at Westchester Country Day School through educational, moral, volunteer, and financial assistance.

By fostering student involvement in the arts, by supporting the fine arts programs, and by enriching the students’ fine arts experiences, Friends of the Fine Arts aims to cultivate in students a recognition of the arts as an integral, joyous part of their lifelong pursuit of knowledge.

Westchester parents are encouraged to become involved with the Friends of the Fine Arts! Members are encouraged to attend monthly meetings, concerts, and drama productions, volunteer for concessions and ticketing, and assist with event preparations such as costuming, set construction, and props. Members should also feel free to provide suggestions for visiting artists of all kinds to enhance the learning of the students.

FoFA supports the following events:

  • Fall All-School Musical
  • Upper School Production
  • Spring K-8 Production
  • Winter concerts in December
  • ArtsFest in spring
  • Fall and Spring Voice and Instrumental Recitals
  • Visiting artists

Meeting Schedule:

The FoFA meeting schedule is announced on the school calendar and in This Week at Westchester. Generally, meetings are held monthly.

FoFA 2024-2025 Officers:

  • President: Elizabeth Caddy
  • Volunteers: Kim Herman
  • Concessions: Jennifer Wagoner